Monday, November 30, 2009

Trans Studio

Indonesia segera punya tempat hiburan indoor terbesar di Asia Tenggara, namanya Trans Studio. Proyek berkonsep mirip Disneyland di Amerika itu kini dibangun di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan

Trans Studio Resort Makassar adalah kawasan bisnis dan wisata terpadu di Makassar. Trans Studio dibangun diarea Tanjung Bunga seluas 12,7 hektare dengan investasi mencapai Rp 1 triliun. Proyek ini rencananya akan selesai dikerjakan pada 2010. Fasilitas yang dibangun di antaranya pusat perbelanjaan yang meliputi Trans Walk dan Trans Rodeo Drive, kemudian Trans Studio, Trans Hotel, Cafe, arena rekreasi pantai serta kantor Bank Mega.

PT Trans Kalla adalah pelaksana megaproyek tersebut. Perusahaan ini merupakan sinergi antara Chairul Tanjung (Trans Corp) dan keluarga Jusuf Kalla sebagai pemilik lahan.

Gedung Trans Studio sendiri dibangun seluas 22.000 m² dengan tinggi 20 meter yang merupakan taman hiburan indoor terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Gedung Trans Studio terdiri dari dua bangunan spektakuler. Yakni, ge dung pusat perbelanjaan yang disebut Trans Walk dan theme park bernama Trans Studio Theme Park,

Theme Park Trans Studio World Makassar mengadopsi konsep Universal Studio di Amerika Serikat. Berisi ruang-ruang simulasi beberapa program stasiun televisi, Trans TV, atau peristiwa di Indonesia. Konsep theme park di Trans Studio World bakal memberikan pengalaman tersendiri bagi pengunjung. Beberapa di antaranya adalah Tsunami Island, suasana mencekam dilanda tsunami dan gempa bumi. Ada juga Magic Museum yang berisi benda-benda hidup seperti dalam film Night at The Museum, Dunia Lain, Arung Jeram, Magic Corner, Lost City, Terror Twister, dan Water Coaster.

Begitu masuk Theme Park Trans Studio, pengunjung akan di bawa ke Amerika abad ke-19. Lorong utama terdiri atas jalan dengan lebar empat meter. Jalan ini akan menjadi lorong utama mobilitas pe ngunjung. Mereka harus melalui jalan itu untuk keluar masuk semua wahana. Pertunjukan jalanan akan digelar di jalan utama ini. Bentuk pertunjukan jalanan ini mirip Police Academy Stuntman Show yang biasa digelar di Disneyland. Disajikan secara live dengan penonton yang melihatnya di pinggir jalan. Asyik Bukan ???

Bogor - Taman Safari

Dari Jakarta berangkat ke kota Bogor mengunjungi Kebun Raya Bogor. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke Taman Safari.

Bogor (Indonesian: Kota Bogor) is a city in West Java with a population of approximately 800,000 people in the CBD area and 2,000,000 in suburban area, bringing a total of 3 million population. It was the capital of Indonesia during the British occupation under Stamford Raffles and was used as the capital by the Dutch during the dry season, then known as Buitenzorg (possibly meaning "beyond worry", but it could also refer to "country side" (buiten) and "care" (zorg), like in "buitenhuis", meaning country house).

It has an area of 21.56 sq km and 833,523 people in 2005, with a density of 38,661 people/sq km, far higher thanDKI Jakarta. For the Hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi Daerah 2007 , 866,034 was the population.

Bogor has a presidential palace, a deer park and a botanical garden in the town centre. It is known as a major center for agricultural and forestry research and hosts the Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Institute of Agriculture). Bogor is also home to two CGIAR (Consultative Groups on International Agricultural Research) research centers, including CIFOR, the Center for International Foresty Research and the World Agroforestry Centre.

Bogor is on a main road from Jakarta to Bandung, over the Puncak Pass. To the south of the city are large tea plantations. During colonial times the Bogor area developed as a centre for plantations. Apart from the tea (Mount Mas), there were coffee plantations at nearby Sukabumi and later vast rubber plantations that stretched from Bogor as far as Citereup and Bukit Sentul.

The suburban area of Bogor is part of the Bogor Regency , while the urban is the Bogor City. Currently Bogor bears the nickname "the Rain City" (Kota Hujan), suggesting that it is very wet and nearly always rains even during the dry season.

Taman Safari

For a totally unique experience for most of us, visit this drive-through zoo and keep your windows closed! You might have a tiger look at you in the eye, or an ostrich check out your passenger. You will see some uncannily human traits from the orangutans here. There was this one time where we saw a lazy young male lying on his stomach smoking a kretek and exhaling comfortably through his nostrils.

The Zoo boasts 2500 animals from 271 different species inhabiting 140 acres of secondary forests – and the designers have done their best to allow us to see the animals in reproductions of their natural habitats. There’s also a baby zoo, where you can get up close and personal with tigers, baby bears, 4 meter long pythons, orangutans, and other animals. For the kids, there are plenty of mechanical rides in the amusement park, as well as animal shows featuring parrots, elephants, and other intelligent creatures of the Earth. Their Safari Trek is also a good recommended short hike.

Entrance Fee

Taman Safari Night Safari

Local Visitor

Above Six Years : RP 40,000 RP 45,000

Five Years & below : RP 35,000 RP 40,000

International Visitor

Above Six Years : RP 60,000 RP 60,000

Five Years & below : RP 55,000 RP 55,000

Vehicle : RP 15,000 RP 10,000

Bus : RP 20,000 -

It takes more than a day to fully explore Taman Safari Indonesia . Some visitors choose to stay for more than a day and also take advantage of the beautiful panoramic views of Mt Pangrango. If you are planning to stay over, these are some of the accommodations available:

  • On-site Caravan
    Popular with families and v isitors can enjoy the beautiful panoramic view of Pangrango mountain in Caravan Camping Ground and be close to nature.

  • Villa bungalows
    Come with one, two or three bedroom all with en-suites.

  • Safari Lodge (Motel)
    The accommodation at the Safari Lodge is probably the equal of any motel anywhere. Rooms are equipped with either double, twin or three sleeping units. All have TV and their own shower and toilet. Tea and coffee making facilities are provided and room service is available. Many suites are interconnected for family use.

  • Safari Garden Hotel (4 Star Hotel)
    The Hotel is located at Cisarua (less than 2.5 km from Taman Safari Indonesia ). It is ideal for both family vacations and business conferences. The fresh mountain air will refresh you as will the lack of noise that is experienced in the city.